Be an 11! The Case for Character Education
Every year BFS clinicians visit numerous schools and youth organizations to give Be an 11 presentations that guide young people in setting worthy goals, both athletic and personal, and then help them develop action plans to achieve these goals. The Be an 11 program shows young people the importance of making positive choices, maintaining their self-respect and being team players and role models for others. The Be an 11 program is simply about being successful in all areas of life.
Elevens are young men and women who try to do the right thing all the time, even if criticized. They follow and believe in these three rules for success:
Rule #1: I am worth my highest goal. I deserve success. I will walk, talk, think and act like that successful person I want to be.
Rule #2: I will surround myself with positive people, places and things. I refuse to associate with any person, place or thing that creates negativity or mediocrity.
Rule #3: Nothing, absolutely nothing, will stop me from being an Eleven.
Almost everyone is an Eleven some of the time. However, let’s be realistic – no one is an Eleven all the time. The goal is to be an Eleven more of the time. For some, this goal might seem overwhelming, but there are hundreds of practical tools to help, and these are discussed in Be an 11 clinics. That’s where the Be an 11 seminar comes in.
Read the full article in the Free BFS Magazine - Download here!
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