BFS on the Road - Professional Development in New York Public Schools!

BFS Professional Development now available

June 22, 2017

Commitment at the District Level Reaps Benefits for Physical Education

Working with New York City Public Schools this month has been an awesome experience for BFS. Our all new Professional Development seminars have really been making an impact across the largest school district in the country. Many PE teachers and administrators have hailed the day as one of the most fruitful seminars they have ever attended.

Learning about effective and safe weight room protocols has really opened up these teachers to the ease of incorporating strength training into their Physical Education environment. By combining a dynamic presentation along with actual hands on training every educator in attendance was kept involved and excited to learn more.

BFS provides the path to ongoing education and Weight Room Strength and Safety Certification (WRSC) by crediting teachers in attendance with credit toward completing the WRSC course. Working closely with NYPS, BFS can offer PE teachers their WRSC for only $99.95 (a $399 value).

Call 800-628-9737 to learn more or email: subject: Professional Development 


Weight Room Safety/Strength Certification Online

Improve athletic performance AND weight room safety.,

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