New Weight Rooms and New Connections
With BFS Clinician Jim Brown
One of the perks of being a BFS Clinician is the sheer number of great people we get to meet and interact with as we travel across the country. From teachers and coaches and high school athletes at the highest level, we love the chance to impact lives. However, we also know that we are equally impacted by the people we are fortunate enough to come across in our journey. Case in point: BFS Clinician Jim Brown.
When Coach Brown was installing a new custom BFS weight room in Larned, Kansas he had the opportunity to sit down with former Yankees pitcher and 1962 World Series MVP, Ralph Terry! A lifelong Yankees fan, Coach Brown was impressed with this humble legend's openness and willingness to share memories and experiences from his days with legendary New York Yankees teams from the 1960s.
Now we can all learn more about these summer campaigns from the early sixties because Ralph Terry has penned his memoirs, along with co-author John Wooly. Right Down the Middle: The Ralph Terry Story is available where ever books are sold. Coach Brown is proud to have a copy autographed by Mr. Terry and knows this will be a great read that includes stories and anecdotes involving many of baseball's greats!
Regional Certification With Coach Brown - Register Now!
Join Coaches in Your Area to Learn the Best Ways to Train Your Athletes with the Proven BFS PROGRAM Not Only will this Certification Ensure that You Know How to Improve Athletic Performance, You will Learn Techniques that will Significantly Improve the Safety of Every Sports Program. This is a Hands-On, Learn-By-Doing Certification
Regional Certification: Paris TX
6/8/2017 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
North Lamar High School
3201 Lewis Lane
Paris, TX 75460
Contact: Jim Brown
EARLY REGISTRATION - 30 days prior = $100 OFF!!
InService Certification Day Improves Your Entire
PE and Athletics Program Bring BFS In-Service Certification into your school this year and make a difference - Call 800-628-9737 to learn how to get started on your championship journey