This is a time of year many educators and coaches assess their athletic programs and explore ideas on what could make a difference in the future. Few teams make the playoffs, even fewer are division champions and only one is state champion. Is your team in this elite group? How can your school crack the code to improving from year to year - season to season?
There is a unified training program that spans your sports and seasons! Your students and athletes don't need to have vastly different training regimens when moving into new sports. Rather a consistent program that emphasizes attributes applicable to all sports - speed, strength and explosive movements for leaping, is needed. Bring your athletics and PE together with The Total Program from BFS.
Consistently used by winning and championship teams for over 40 years BFS and The Total Program focuses on core lifts while leaving room for sport-specific auxiliary exercises. Not cookie cutter approach but rather a flexible, versatile program built around just six core exercises, while remaining expandable to suit unique situations. Boys and girls from volleyball to football to basketball - all sports - benefit from a consistent, year-round training method. With BFS record-breaking results each week that will inspire your students and athletes to reach even higher!
Read about how BFS impacted the San Carlos teams through a series of Total Program Clinics and Be An 11 Seminars. Then imagine what a real program, not just a series of workouts, can do for your school. Then take action! Let BFS help you make a difference in all athletics and physical Education in your school!