Smart Spots


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Updated Payment Policy, for Payment with Purchase Orders (PO’s): 50% of the order total must be paid upfront. The balance will be due upon completion of the order (All items delivered). When submitting the PO online we will contact you when we receive your written PO to arrange the 50% down payment. If any items on the order are not available they will be removed from the order. All other orders must be prepaid at the time of the order.

Our new 10-inch Smart Spots are the only court targets that teach about tennis and life! Smart Spots can be used in a large variety of situations. The 6 rainbow colors of each set are printed with motivational words on one side and are blank on the other. They are uniquely manufactured for their weight, anti-slip, and dirt-resistant qualities ... just like all of our Court Shapes.

Sold as a set of 6.

Use shapes for targeting, home positions, and movement drills - NOT a new idea.
Inspire with messages in sports to enhance character education - NOT a new idea.
Combine shapes and motivational words - NEW IDEA!

Smart Squares are a new training tool concept to make players smarter about both tennis and life. This idea is based on a recent study at Stanford University:

92% of the reason a person succeeds or fails is determined by ATTITUDE.

75% of the reason a person learns or fails to learn is based on ATTITUDE.

85% of the reason a person gets or keeps a job and advances is based on ATTITUDE.