BFS Magazine
Strong & Safe with Weightlifting Belts
One of the basic tools of strength training is a weightlifting belt. Some may think of it as “cheating,” as a way to artificially lift more weights. Not exactly.
What the researchers found was that weightlifting belts could increase intra-abdominal pressure (i.e., compressing the gases and fluids in the abdominal cavity) that serves to decompress the spine. Or, to use modern-day terminology, belts serve to create a stable “core.”
HOT AUXILIARIES! Why BFS Athletes Need Lat Pulldowns
The Squat in 2017
Five Things You Probably Didn't Know About BFS!
With over 41 years in the business, BFS has established itself as the leader in athletic and physical fitness training. We've not only shared our message through our magazine, website, and social media outlets, but our clinicians have given nearly 20,000 hands-on total program clinics, coaching certifications, and character education seminars. Despite this exposure, there are a few unique aspects of BFS that many people may not know about. Here are five of them:
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BFS Whats Happening
Bob Rowbotham’s Tradition of Excellence
BFS Leadership Program Exposes Young Leaders to Top Coaches in Athletics and Sports Science
BFS Magazine From the Editor - Up Front by Kim Goss
40 Years and Growing Stronger
Character education a dominant attribute of high school sports! BFS Magazine tells the story!
High school football is making a lot of news in the last couple of weeks. And it is not good. From athletes in Texas blindsiding a ref to a top college recruit allegedly smearing a painful cream into an opposing player's face, these are the stories being told about high school athletes.
At BFS we acknowledge these sort of events happen, but we firmly reject the notion that they are the norm. We work with 1,000s of students and coaches annually through our Total Program and Be An 11 Seminars and we have seen all the good high school sports brings to individuals, schools and entire communities!