BFS Magazine

The Squat in 2017

Steve Kinslow September 19, 2017

The Squat in 2017

Because the squat was such a controversial exercise at the time BFS opened its doors in 1976, almost every article that appeared in BFS magazine about the squat included a section about how it could help prevent injuries, not cause them, and improve athletic performance. BFS Founder Dr. Greg Shepard and his team of clinicians also took our message on the road, each year giving hundreds of clinics at schools and athletic training facilities promoting the value of squats.

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Pick Your Spots

Steve Kinslow August 15, 2016

Pick Your Spots

In working with high school athletes in my area, one challenge I’ve found is convincing coaches that it’s important to lift hard in-season. It’s a message that BFS has been preaching for the past 40 years. Take the example of track and field, specifically high school sports where I live. There is the indoor season, the outdoor season, and in the summer the sport can continue with amateur competitions run by the AAU and USTAF. Let’s break down the outdoor season.

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Run the Total Program on your Terms

Carson Jones March 14, 2016

Run the Total Program on your Terms

Boys, girls, soccer, football, volleyball or track - it does not matter, running faster and jumping higher will improve your winning chances. And strength training and conditioning will build your speed and power. The BFS Total Program provides a clear system of record keeping so you know that the training done in the weight room is translating to results on the field of play.

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3 Minutes on why 45 Years of BFS  Means Success For You!

Steve Kinslow October 28, 2015

3 Minutes on why 45 Years of BFS Means Success For You!


The Championship Camp begins with a "coaches only" breakout session to get the staff up to speed on how the Total Program provides results through record keeping and goal setting. Then the student-athletes get two days of coaching and education on correct lifting, speed, plyometrics, all the while breaking personal records every week!

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3 Minutes on Power Balance with the Lunge

Steve Kinslow October 19, 2015

3 Minutes on Power Balance with the Lunge

BFS Championship Camps promote strength, agility and speed which add up to "power balance". Power balance is important in all sports, for boys and girls. Football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, soccer, wrestling and in track: hurdles, high jump, long jump, pole vault, discus, shot put, javelin and more. Whenever an athlete needs to change direction explosively and transfer quickly from one leg to the other, power balance is required. Lunges are fantastic for that purpose.

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Carson Jones October 01, 2015

6 Minutes with Alina K. Fong, PhD

6 Minutes with Alina K. Fong, PhD Director of Concussion Treatment. 

BFS CEO Bob Rowbotham sits down with Dr Fong to get some straight information on the risks of concussion for all athletes throughout high school sports and activities. Dr Fong also shares her insights on the prevention of concussion and what coaches and teachers can be aware of going forward. 

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Carson Jones September 23, 2015

Character education a dominant attribute of high school sports! BFS Magazine tells the story!

High school football is making a lot of news in the last couple of weeks. And it is not good. From athletes in Texas blindsiding a ref to a top college recruit allegedly smearing a painful cream into an opposing player's face, these are the stories being told about high school athletes.

At BFS we acknowledge these sort of events happen, but we firmly reject the notion that they are the norm. We work with 1,000s of students and coaches annually through our Total Program and Be An 11 Seminars and we have seen all the good high school sports brings to individuals, schools and entire communities!

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